- Base
# clients :number
The amount of clients connected to this server
- number
- Source:
# connectEndPoints :Array.<string>
The endpoints used to connect to this server
- Array.<string>
- Source:
# enhancedHostSupport :boolean
- boolean
- Source:
# fallback :boolean
Whether this server is a fallback server
- boolean
- Source:
# gametype :string
This server's game type
- string
- Source:
# hostname
Alias for this.name
- Source:
# id :string
The server's id
- string
- Source:
# lastSeen :Date
The last time this server was seen online
- Date
- Source:
# mapname :string
This server's map name
- string
- Source:
# maxClients :number
The server's max client limit
- number
- Source:
# name :string
This server's name
- string
- Source:
# ownerAvatar :string
The URL to the server owner's FiveM profile avatar
- string
- Source:
# ownerID :number
The fivem ID of the server's owner
- number
- Source:
# ownerName :string
The server owner's FiveM username
- string
- Source:
# ownerProfile :string
The URL to the server owner's FiveM profile
- string
- Source:
# players :PlayerManager
The players this server has
- Source:
# private :boolean
Whether this server is a private server
- boolean
- Source:
# resources :Array.<string>
The resources this server uses
- Array.<string>
- Source:
# selfReportedClients :number
The amount of clients this server has, reported by the server itself
- number
- Source:
# server :string
The server's user-agent, I think
- string
- Source:
# supportStatus :string
- string
- Source:
# upvotePower :number
The amount of boosts this server has
- number
- Source:
# vars :Object.<string, string>
The variables this server shares with clients
- Object.<string, string>
- Source: